Alastair Robinson
Manager Biodiversity Services
Alastair Robinson manages identification and horticultural botany services across Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, including the plant identification service, the plant identification web portals VicFlora and HortFlora, the Library and Artwork components of the State Botanical Collection, and the botanical journal Muelleria, for which he is Editor in Chief. He is a botanist specialising in tropical Asian montane flora, with a particular interest in terrestrial and epiphytic orchids, but also of carnivorous plant genera worldwide, particularly Nepenthes and Drosera.
Damit, A., Yusof, N.A.M., Jumian, J., Clarke, C. and Robinson, A.S. (2024). Sabah’s hidden giant: Nepenthes pongoides (Nepenthaceae), a micro-endemic tropical pitcher plant from northern Borneo. Australian Journal of Botany, 72(8).
Amor, M.D., Barmos, S., Cameron, H.E., Hartnett, C., Hodgens, N., Jamieson, L., May, T.W., McMullan-Fisher, S., Robinson, A. & Rutter, N.J. (2024). On the trail of a critically endangered fungus: a world-first application of wildlife detection dogs to fungal conservation. iScience wait on page numbers: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.109729.
Tamayo, M., Marcos-Langbao, A., Bustamante, R.A., Ang, Y.P., Schubert, D., Mustaqim, W., Fritsch, P. and Robinson, A. (2023). Rhododendron astrophorum (Ericaceae, Rhododendron sect. Schistanthe), a new micro-endemic species from central Palawan, Philippines. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 80.
Lim, G., Golos, M.R., Mey, F.S., Wistuba, A., McPherson, S.R., and Robinson, A.S. 2023. Delimitation of the Nepenthes macfarlanei group with two species described as new. In: McPherson, S.R. Nepenthes: The Tropical Pitcher Plants, vol. 3. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole, pp. 2084–2195.
Tan, H.L., Lim, G., Mey, F.S., Golos, M.R., Wistuba, A., McPherson, S.R. and Robinson, A.S. 2023. Nepenthes berbulu (Nepenthaceae), a pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia with remarkably long lid bristles. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter: 52(1): 15–43. https://doi.org/10.55360/cpn521.fm322
Krueger, T., Robinson, A.S., Bourke, G. and Fleischmann, A. 2023. Small leaves, big diversity: Citizen science and taxonomic revision triples species number in the carnivorous Drosera microphylla complex (D. section Ergaleium, Droseraceae). Biology, 12(1), p.141. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12010141
Cross, A.T., van der Ent, A., Wickmann, M., Skates, L.M., Sumail, S., Gebauer, G. and Robinson, A.S. 2022. Capture of mammal excreta by Nepenthes is an effective heterotrophic nutrition strategy. Annals of botany, 130(7), pp.927–938. https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcac134
Angeles, M.D.D., Buot Jr, I.E., Moran, C.B., Robinson, A.S. and Tandang, D.N., 2022. Corybas kaiganganianus (Orchidaceae), a new, rare helmet orchid from Samar Island, Philippines. Phytotaxa, 543(2), pp.127–134.
Robinson, A.S (2021). 1008. Stigmatodactylus dalagangpalawanicum: Orchidaceae. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 38(4), pp.537–547.
Tandang, D.N., Galindon, J.M.M., Lagunday, N.E., Coritico, F.P., Amoroso, V.B. and Robinson, A.S. (2021). Amylotheca cleofei sp. nov.(Loranthaceae), a new species and genus record for the Philippines. Phytotaxa, 507(1), pp.113–120.
Rule, M.G.Q., Ang, Y.P., Rubite, R.R., Docot, R.V.A., Bustamante, R.A.A. & Robinson, A.S. (2020). Begonia makuruyot (Begoniaceae, section Baryandra), a new species from Surigao del Norte Province, Philippines. Phytotaxa, 470(3): 226–234.
Cross, A.T., Krueger, T.A., Gonella, P.M., Robinson, A.S., & Fleischmann, A.S. (2020). Conservation of carnivorous plants in the age of extinction. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01272. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01272
Bianchi, A., Lee, C.C., Golos, M.R., Mey, F.S., Mansur, M., Mambrasar, Y.M. & Robinson, A.S. (2020). Nepenthes diabolica (Nepenthaceae), a new species of toothed pitcher plant from Central Sulawesi. Phytotaxa, 464(1): 29–48.
Tandang, D.N., Bustamante, R.A.A., Ferreras, U., Hadsall, A.S., Pimm-Lyon, S. & Robinson, A.S. (2020). Corybas circinatus (Orchidaceae), a new species from Palawan, the Philippines. Phytotaxa, 446(2), 135–140. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.446.2.7
Golos, M., Robinson, A.S., Barer, M., Dancak, M., de Witte, J., Limberg, A., Sapawi, N., & Tjiasmanto, W. (2020). Nepenthes fractiflexa (Nepenthaceae), a new Bornean pitcher plant exhibiting concaulescent metatopy and a high degree of axillary bud activation. Phytotaxa, 432(2), 125–143. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.432.2.3
Robinson, A.S. (2019). Pygmy sundews - dwarf stars of the genus Drosera. Australian Plants 29, 356–360.
Robinson, A.S., Zamudio, S.G. and Caballero, R.B. (2019). Nepenthes erucoides (Nepenthaceae), an ultramaficolous micro-endemic from Dinagat Islands Province, northern Mindanao, Philippines. Phytotaxa 423 (1), 21–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.423.1.3
Robinson, A.S., Golos, M.R., Barer, M., Sano, Y., Forgie, J.J., Garrido, D., Gorman, C.N., Luick, A.O., McIntosh, N.W., McPherson, S.R., Palena, G.J., Panco, I., Quinn, B.R., and Shea, J. (2019). Revisions in Nepenthes following explorations of the Kemul Massif and the surrounding region in north-central Kalimantan, Borneo. Phytotaxa, 392(2), 97–126. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.392.2.1
Robinson A.S., Cross A.T., Meisterl M.E. & Fleischmann A. (2018). A new pygmy sundew, Drosera albonotata (Droseraceae), from the western Wheatbelt and an updated diagnostic key to the orange-flowered pygmy Drosera of Western Australia. Phytotaxa, 346(3), pp.221-236. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.346.3.2
Robinson A.S., Gironella E., & Cervancia J. (2016). New orchid species of Stigmatodactylus (Orchidoideae; Diurideae) and a new record of Cryptostylis carinata from central Palawan, Philippines. Phytotaxa, 252(2), 99–113. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.252.2.2
Fleischmann A., Robinson A.S., Mcpherson S., Heinrich V., Gironella E. & Madulid D.A. (2011). Drosera ultramafica (Droseraceae), a new sundew species of the ultramafic flora of the Malesian highlands. Blumea, 56(1), pp. 10–15.
McPherson S., Bourke G., Cervancia J., Jaunzems M., Gironella E., Robinson A.S. & Fleischmann A. (2011). Nepenthes leonardoi (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Palawan, Philippines. Carniflora Australis 8(1): 4–19.
Robinson A.S., Fleischmann A.S., Mcpherson S.R., Heinrich V.B., Gironella E.P. & Pena C.Q. (2009). A spectacular new species of Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae) pitcher plant from central Palawan, Philippines. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 159:2, 195-361. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2008.00942.x
de Jager S.M., Scofield S., Huntley R.P., Robinson A.S., den Boer B.G. & Murray J.A. (2009). Dissecting regulatory pathways of G1/S control in Arabidopsis: common and distinct targets of CYCD3;1, E2Fa and E2Fc. Plant Molecular Biology. 71(4–5), 345–365. doi: 10.1007/s11103-009-9527-5
Lowrie A., Nunn R., Robinson A.S., Bourke G., McPherson S. & Fleischmann A. (2017). Drosera of the World. Vol. 1, Oceania. Redfern Natural History, Dorset. 536 pp.
Lowrie A., Robinson A.S., Nunn R., Rice B., Bourke G., Gibson R., McPherson S. & Fleischmann A. (2017). Drosera of the World. Vol. 2, Oceania, Asia, Europe, North America. Redfern Natural History, Dorset. 554 pp.
Robinson A.S., Gibson R., Gonella P., McPherson S., Nunn R. & Fleischmann A. (2017). Drosera of the World. Vol. 3, Latin America & Africa. Redfern Natural History, Dorset. 476 pp.
Roccia A., Gluch O., Lampard S., Robinson A.S., Fleischmann A., McPherson S., Legendre L., Partrat E., Temple P. (2016). Pinguicula of the Temperate North. Redfern Natural History, UK, 349 pp.
Lampard S., Gluch O., Robinson A.S., Fleischmann A., Temple P., McPherson S., Roccia A., Partrat E., Legendre L. (2016). Pinguicula of Latin America. Redfern Natural History, UK, 362 pp.
McPherson S. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea. Redfern Natural History, UK.
McPherson S. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina. Redfern Natural History, UK.
McPherson S. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sumatra and Java. Redfern Natural History, UK.
McPherson S. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Borneo. Redfern Natural History, UK.
McPherson S. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sulawesi. Redfern Natural History, UK.
McPherson S.R., Fleischmann A. & Robinson A.S. (2010). Carnivorous Plants & their Habitats Vol. 1. Redfern Natural History, UK, 723 pp.
McPherson S.R., Fleischmann A & Robinson A.S. (2010). Carnivorous Plants & their Habitats Vol. 2. Redfern Natural History, UK, 719 pp.
McPherson S.R., Robinson A.S. & Fleischmann A. (2009). Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 1. Redfern Natural History, UK, 630 pp.
McPherson S.R., Robinson A.S. & Fleischmann A. (2009). Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume 2. Redfern Natural History, UK, 766 pp.
Wyse Jackson P., Sutherland L.A, Robinson A. (2024). Role of Botanic Gardens. In: (Scheiner, S.M. ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition), Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 485–505.
Clarke C., Schlauer J., Moran J. & Robinson A.S. (2018). Systematics and evolution of Nepenthes. In: Ellison, A.M. & Adamec, L. (eds.): Carnivorous plants: physiology, ecology, and evolution. Oxford University Press, 58-69. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198779841.003.0005
Robinson A.S. (2017). Drosera banksii R.Br. ex DC. Philippines Distribution Extension. In: Robinson A.S., Gibson R., Gonella P., McPherson S.R., Nunn R. & Fleischmann A.: Drosera of the World. Vol. 3 - Latin America & Africa. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp 1540–1541.
Robinson A.S., Nerz J., Wistuba A., Mansur M. & McPherson S. (2012). Nepenthes lamii Jebb & Cheek, an emended description resulting from the separation of a two-species complex, and the introduction of Nepenthes monticola, a new species of highland Nepenthes from New Guinea. In: McPherson S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History , UK, pp. 477–512.
Robinson A.S., Nerz J., & Wistuba A. (2012). Nepenthes epiphytica, a new Pitcher Plant from East Kalimantan. In: McPherson S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp. 316–331.
Mey F.S., Truong L.H., Dai D.V. & Robinson A.S. (2012). Nepenthes thorelii, an emended description and novel ecological data resulting from its rediscovery in Tay Ninh, Vietnam. In: McPherson S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp. 437–465.
Mey F.S., Catalano M., Clarke C., Robinson A.S., Fleischmann A. & McPherson S. (2010). Nepenthes holdenii (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pyrophytic pitcher plant from the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. In: McPherson et al. Carnivorous Plants & their Habitats. Volume 2. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp. 1306–1331.
McPherson S., Cervancia J., Lee C., Jaunzems M., Fleischmann A., Mey F., Gironella E. & Robinson A.S. (2010). Nepenthes palawanensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Sultan Peak, Palawan Island, Philippines. In: McPherson et al. Carnivorous Plants & their Habitats. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp. 1332–1339.
McPherson S., Cervancia J., Lee C., Jaunzems M., Fleischmann A., Mey F., Gironella E. & Robinson A.S. (2010). Nepenthes gantungensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Mount Gantung, Palawan, Philippines. In: McPherson et al. Carnivorous Plants & their Habitats. Redfern Natural History, UK, pp. 1286–1295.
Robinson, A.S. (2023). Anatomy of Art. Profiling the plants in Maria van Oosterwyck's 1668 painting, 'Still life with flowers and butterflies'. National Gallery of Victoria Magazine, 36: 66–67.
Baj, D., Golos, M.R., Robinson, A.S. (2022). Nepy—a mobile field reference app for the tropical pitcher plant genus Nepenthes.
Nepy is a free to use mobile field reference app for the tropical pitcher plant genus Nepenthes, available on iOS and Android. Almost all species are included, however a minority cannot yet be featured owing to a lack of suitable data and/or licensed or verifiable images. The Nepenthes entries in Nepy are based primarily on data published in peer reviewed research papers, specialist literature relating to the genus, as well as on the general observations of a number of specialists.