Elisabeth Murdoch Pavilion

Take a break at Elisabeth Murdoch Pavilion.

Sit in the shade and catch your breath.  Take a moment of stillness to soak up the sounds and smells of the Bushland.

Walking tips

1.8km from Visitor Centre
1.9km from Stringy Park Picnic Area via Wylies Creek Track or Wetlands Walk.

Fill up your water bottle at Woodland Picnic Area or Stringybark Picnic Area.  There is no Water Fountain at Elisabeth Murdoch Pavilion


Cycling tips

1.8km from Visitor Centre
1.9km from Stringy Park Picnic Area via Wylies Creek Track

Seasonal highlight

Summer is a great time to see wallabies resting in the trees.


A Great Supporter of the Gardens

The pavilion was named for Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, a long-time supporter of Cranbourne Gardens. Dame Elisabeth has funded many programs across the organisation.

Connecting to Country

While exploring Cranbourne Garden’s extensive remnant native bushland, you will see signs highlighted yellow representing the various wattle species that once grew throughout the area and hold particular significance to Bunurong. Wattle are some of the most highly used plants by Bunurong and are used as a source for food, medicine and materials for making clothes, tools and weapons.

Enjoy the journey to Elisabeth Murdoch Pavilion

Wylies Creek Track 

The journey from the Visitor Centre via Wylies Creek Track takes in open grassland and an abundance of animal and birdlife.

Wetlands Walk 

From Stringybark Creek Picnic Area, you can stroll through the Wetlands Walk and look out for frogs and toads.